Friday, July 26, 2013

The Whole Moon was Pining…

The Whole Moon was Pining...


The full moon’s beams couldn't shine through the haze
when you mask your emotive sensibilities
cloaked behind your veiled penchants
The dappled moon’s gleam
illuminates thy nimbus view
beneath her muddled light,
where whispering moonbeams
illumine from behind and through
the shrouded luminescent night aglow


When you wish a wish upon a twinkling star
ne’er revoke the wish, nary a dream denied undreamt,
after the coin was thrown beyond the mystical bounds
Exhaled from the umbrage of the silence,
a murmured sigh ricocheted from distant realms afar,
under befuddled breathe obscured by the notion;
ne’er a second thought of conscious opine
exhaled in this sullen moment of veiled aches,
yet unnoticed, the olive branches sip quietly from beside the ink well


Disavowed dreams stealing away into befogged thought,
some kind of madness, like the tangerine sunset
recanted by the conflicted twilight azure
The cracks in broken hearts and dreams
are where the resplendent bursting moon’s fetter
enkindles a natural vernal verve
Oh! her magical incandescent waterfall of grandeur
washes over me, basking in this illuminating moment,
bathing in Luna’s enchanting healing balm...

© Harlon Rivers ...July. 2013    …Full Moon 16 day(s) old

authors notes: This was an experience (!)

Being a moon monger, "where there is a will there is a way"…

Written Tuesday night under full moon, with ink and paper
and brought to a red brick and mortar library world.
First time ever to a library for online access became a narrative of it own saved and published at "Word Whisperer" poetry blog, in another live library moment...

...totally unplanned and spontaneous but needed a spell check
from real ink be entered into the digital box...

...but now is the needed time to requite the whole & full moon’s fetter.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

...under the flight path

...perception...sitting in my red solo Adirondack chair at sunset,
watching the comings and the goings beyond the hummingbird's and dragon flies' whir.
...thinking about those first steps someone once said … lead to
them journeys of a thousand miles~ aka “sittin here on my ass in limbo”

...under the flight path

contrails float by at a snail's crawl
once carried the weight beyond afar
white cotton candy becoming unspun..
unwinding, unfolding, floating magically
like a butterfly’s bon voyage…
fluttering felicity glides with
sunhair dafts the fickle spindrift breeze
dandelion's drift seeds flight
to be sewn in distant horizons
my seed beneath up, up and away
disperse floating fluffy parachutes
delicate pink pearlescent textures awakened~
pink moon … oh! pink moon rise and shine
oh! pink moon come hither my heart
purr as soft as tufted intimate touch
whisper softly aneath
sky’s wispy pink cirrus azure

© 2013 ... harlon rivers

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Our precious moments together are an oasis
A place where new beginnings evolve into vivid life...

...a poem by Harlon Rivers


Our moments together are an oasis
Respite from this journey’s rocky mile
Alone together in a deserted desert island’s secret garden
Where adoring affections
paint the depth of a picturesque
beheld warmth of sweetest tenderness

Hearts and minds impassioned harmony’s opus
Surrendering to love’s enchanting flows
Enlightened by conscious oneness
Yielding to the repose of a silent starlit bay’s twilight halo
Swirling Moon beams dance around like the falling stars ballet
As effervescent currents eddiy in a radiant sky’s afterglow

The blending of connected souls
kindle love’s shimmering light
Love’s tower of strength is euphoric refuge
Shelter from life’s perfect storms
Intimacy surrendered slowly is a soothing sanctuary
Unchained healing in two minds

Happenstance is not an illusion
Turning dark memories’ shadows into light
Illuminating compassionate understanding
Solitude’s allure can leave stars in one’s eyes
Our precious moments together are an oasis
A place were new beginnings evolve into vivid life...

© 2012 Harlon Rivers