The Dark Star's Light
The bare blushing trees are full of secrets
mystic owls behold at night
Their whispers enchant the silenced stars
A dark star's bright twinkles linger in plain sight
Your spirit draws me in towards you
like the moon pulls at the tide
Our currents stir in deep eddy’s swirl
tempest undercurrents cannot be denied
I can feel you close in the far distance ,
but I can’t get there from here ;
heart beset by treasured memories
only seeing where you used to be
Owls hoot wisely from the gnarled Oaks atop the knoll
a moment lamenting someone I used to know
Fingers bleed like teardrops where the thorns pricked my palms ;
couldn't stop myself from groping for the thorny rose
Arms embrace nature , listen for the esoteric sighs ,
ear pressed firmly to the furrowed bark’s silence
There are no hidden secrets to a pounding
heart ,
when naked mossy branches behold the weight
the lonely dark star's light ...
Rivers … © October 2013