Saturday, October 13, 2012

"It’s Hard to Take"...

In the world of social media, the stranger in the screen can be unfriended or deleted in the guiltless click of the delete prompt.  New multipal identities and new pseudonym accounts are a dime a dozen .   Words like friend and love still mean something to me but in today's world

    I am obsolete...

"Its hard to take"

Willingly stepping into the circle of trust
With a free spirit inspiring the dawn
When the going got rough… in a moment
Blow up the circle and leave it all in the virtual dust

 It’s too easy to say goodbye
Without looking into real eyes
In the blink of an unseen teary eye and a keyboard click
Traces of unrequited love vanished from the screen

Slamming open doors closed
Are nothing new to see
But a virtual day dream’s door
Seems like so much more than an illusion              

The candles were blown out the instant
 The motion of walking away stirred the passing breeze 
When the music stopped playing
Only the love song was over

Please pull that plug from life support
Before turning to walk away
Throw away the entrance key
I’m so tired of living this way

Even as the aching memory now tugs at my soul
I’d do it again in a heartbeat...chasing that impossible dream.
When you play with virtual fire, there’s always a possibility
To get virtually burned literally spinning out of control

One hundred years from today
There won’t be a trace of this smitten memory
Or a hint of that day when you cut and ran
As if I never even mattered to thee…